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Glucomannan Powder

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Glucomannan Powder

Glucomannan is a component of the Konjac root, a food used in Japan. For over 10,000 years Konjac (Amorphophallus konjac) has been cultivated and eaten in Japan and parts of China. Common foods such as sukiyaki uses Konjac in the form of noodles. Other uses for Konjac are as a food thickener and jelly. The main constituent of Konjac jelly is glucomannan, which accounts for 10% of the total dry material. Purified glucomannan is prepared by washing. Starch, protein, and water-soluble materials are removed to yield 60-90% pure glucomannan preparation. Glucomannan is a high molecular weight carbohydrate that chemically resembles cellulose. However, while cellulose consists almost entirely of glucose molecules linked by beta b 1-4 bonds. These small chemical differences account for the unique physical properties of glucomannan. Cellulose is insoluble and absorbs only 5 to 10 times its weigh tin water, while glucomannan is soluble and absorbs as much as 200 times its weight in water. Glucomannan acts as dietary fiber to increase viscosity
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Glucomannan is a component of the Konjac root, a food used in Japan. For over 10,000 years Konjac (Amorphophallus konjac) has been cultivated and eaten in Japan and parts of China. Common foods such as sukiyaki uses Konjac in the form of noodles. Other uses for Konjac are as a food thickener and jelly. The main constituent of Konjac jelly is glucomannan, which accounts for 10% of the total dry material. Purified glucomannan is prepared by washing. Starch, protein, and water-soluble materials are removed to yield 60-90% pure glucomannan preparation. Glucomannan is a high molecular weight carbohydrate that chemically resembles cellulose. However, while cellulose consists almost entirely of glucose molecules linked by beta b 1-4 bonds. These small chemical differences account for the unique physical properties of glucomannan. Cellulose is insoluble and absorbs only 5 to 10 times its weigh tin water, while glucomannan is soluble and absorbs as much as 200 times its weight in water. Glucomannan acts as dietary fiber to increase viscosity and moisture content of the food boils during digestion. The good mixes with the viscous glucomannan to form a smooth, soft mass which easily moves through the gastrointestinal tract. Since glucomannan forms a non-digestible coating around food particles, food is digested at a slower rate. The gel slows the action of digestive enzymes to release sugars and fats at an even rate. This effect is desirable in treating obesity and diabetes mellitus. The bulk-forming property of glucomannan helps fill the stomach to satisfy the appetite. Because digestion is slowed, large highs in blood glucose are avoided and normal blood sugar levels are maintained after a meal. This aids in controlling overeating and helps fight the "snack attacks" which occur when blood glucose drops 2 hours after a meal. With glucomannan (and some other food fibers) gradual digestion "times release" of sugar helps maintain sugar at normal levels without wide swings in blood levels. Japanese workers have had good results in treating diabetes with glucomannan. Sugar absorption was slowed and blood sugar levels were reported stabilized when glucomannan was used in the diets of noninsuling dependent diabetics. It is well known that certain dietary fibers absorb cholesterol, bile acid, and lipids. Glucomannan’s gel-forming properties promote absorption of fats and reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Japanese researchers reported glucomannnan had decreases in serum cholesterol, triglyceride, and free fatty acids were reported when glucomannan was added to the diet. Two-thirds of these elderly patients also reported that glucomannan had anti-constipation properties



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