Octacosanol 15% extract
Octacosanol 15% extract
Octacosanol (C28H58O) is a 28 carbon long-chain saturated primary alcohol, and is the active ingredient in wheat germ oil. It is found in wheat germ oil, spinach and sugar cane wax.
The most famous member of the policosanol family is octacosanol, a 28-carbon aliphatic alcohol (molecular weight 410.74), popularized as an active ingredient in wheat germ oil. Its proportion to other aliphatic alcohols in the policosanol profile depends on the source. Sugar cane wax can contain approximately 60-70 percent octacosanol, while rice bran wax and beeswax levels are approximately 17.5 percent.
A small double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized crossover trial involving 10 patients with mild to moderate Parkinson''s disease showed that three patients improved significantly within six weeks of consuming 15 mg octacosanol per day. Many beneficial attributes of octacosanol have been reported, in both humans and animal investigations: reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides (rodents),improvement of motor endurance (rodents),# increased size of testes and seminal vesicles (rodents), and increased stamina and physical exertion (humans).
T.K.Cureton in University of Illinois find it at year 1949,and suggest its major uses following:
(1) increasing endurance energy and physical power
(2) promoting muscie
(3) improving people''s nimble
(4) increasing the function of heart
(5) eliminatting muscie''s ache , reducing muscie''s friction
(6) increasing energy to defend high altitude sickness
(7) changing the rate of metabolism
(8) reducing the necessary of oxygen
(9) stimulating sex hormone
(10) cutting down blood pressure
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